Yhdistävä lääketiede ry

Dialogue series of preventive health care

Integrative Healthcare Finland initiates dialogs of preventive health care to promote multidisciplinary and cross-sector discussion. 

All of us have experience and views on predictive health care. Our experts will discuss with social, health and well-being professionals, decision-makers, managers, researchers, as well as other experienced experts. We are calling for new thinking and bold solutions to a theme that affects us all.

Notice that our dialogue series are in Finnish!

  1. Avaus
  2. Mika Pyykkö
  3. Pauliina Aarva
  4. Erkki Antila
  5. Anssi Leikola
  6. Harri Peltomaa
  7. Krista Lagus
  8. Terveyssummit
  9. Pauli Liikala


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