Avoin yhdistävän lääketieteen eurooppalainen kokous

Osallistu! Euroopan parlamentin “The MEP Interest Group on Integrative Medicine & Health” kutsuu avoimeen virtuaaliseen aloitustilaisuuteen 7.12.2020. Ilmoittaudu TÄSTÄ tai alla olevasta linkistä 5.12.2020 mennessä. Kaikille avoin.

Maanantaina 7. päivänä joulukuuta 2020 Suomen aikaa 17.00- 18.45.

Hosted by:

Sirpa Pietikäinen, European People’s Party, Finland

Michèle Rivasi, Greens/EFA, France

Tilly Metz, Greens/EFA, Luxembourg

Eleonora Evi, non-attached member for Movimento 5 Stelle, Italy

Margrete Auken, Greens/EFA, Denmark

PROGRAMME – speakers

  • An introduction to Integrative Medicine and Health: Torkel Falkenberg PhD BSc, associate Professor in Healthcare Research, leader of the Integrative Care research group constellation at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden, and long-term advisor to the WHO.
  • Competence Network of Integrative Medicine (KIM) in Baden-Württemberg, a network of 10 hospitals offering an integrative approach in the treatment of cancer patients: Thomas Breitkreuz MD, head of the internal medicine department at the Paracelsus Hospital, an Integrative Medicine hospital in Unterlengenhardt, Germany and coordinator/spokesperson of KIM.
  • Non-antibiotic treatment of infections as a way to reduce the problem of AMR: Erik Baars PhD MSc, professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Leiden, the Netherlands, leader of an international network of researchers at several universities and non-university research centres across Europe about CAM/IM and AMR, and leader of the JPIAMR project “Appropriate use of antibiotics: the role of CAM treatment strategies.”

Q&A session after the presentations.


After your registration on the Eventbrite website, the link to the live stream will be sent to you. A few days before the launch you will receive a reminder email. There is no fee.

Registration deadline: 5 December 2020

The MEP Interest Group on Integrative Medicine & Health

The Interest Group promotes Integrative Medicine & Health in all European Parliament public health policy. Integrative Medicine & Health brings conventional biomedicine and complementary medicine together in a coordinated way, focuses on the whole person and considers the individual in its physical, psychological, spiritual, social and environmental context. It offers an inclusive approach which meets the demand of EU citizens for a holistic, patient-centred approach in medicine.

Currently, one in two EU citizens uses complementary medicine in one form or another as part of their healthcare, either alongside or as an alternative to conventional biomedical care. This high demand is not yet reflected in EU or national health policy or provision.

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR), the increasing prevalence of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), soaring healthcare costs and dealing with the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic are major challenges facing the health sector right across the EU. Integrative Medicine & Health can contribute significantly to meet these challenges.

Read more about the aims and objectives of the Interest Group on the website. https://cam-europe.eu/mep-interest-group-integrative-medicine-health/

We look forward to seeing you online.

Best regards,

Secretariat of the MEP Interest Group on Integrative Medicine & Health

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